Zebra, c. 1985. Manuel JimΘnez. Xoxocotlan, Oaxaca, Mexico. Painted wood, cactus fiber: 10" x 12" x 4". Gift of Carolyn Warmbold in memory of her husband Ted.


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former adobe mason and cane cutter, Manuel JimΘnez started carving for his own pleasure and made an occasional mask or santo (saint) for his village. He took some of his early wares to a vendor at the Oaxaca market and was soon discovered by the tourist shops. Today JimΘnezÆ highly acclaimed carvings are collected internationally. JimΘnez uses a machete for roughing out an animal figure from local tsompanclΘ wood and carves legs separately to nail on. His use of color is always bold and dramatic. In his talented hands, a branch is transformed into an engaging animal such as this zebra.